Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Entry #9: Nothing Much

Nothing new has really happened in the past week that i updated this. I'm still trying to find wood on my free time and my mentor has been missing in action for the past few days. I took a break from my projects for a bit because i was getting a weird bump on my finger and i don't know if that's normal or not. Also, I stopped because the knife i bought broke so there's a waste of like $5. It was a knife you use to cut fruit and i found it pretty good. I found it pretty good up until the point it broke at least. Although, i'm still surprised that i haven't cut myself even when my knife broke so at least i have that going for me. Otherwise, everything else in the project has been stagnant and i'm unhappy about that. Tomorrow i'm going to start looking at replacement knives and possibly a place where i can get some good wood pieces. 
  • Website Title: Flickr
  • Article Title: Broken Knife
  • Publisher: Yahoo!
  • Date Accessed: March 25, 2014

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