Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Entry #8: Nothin'

What's up? Nothing much really, i have just been working on a mini project ( A spoon ) and trying to find a good enough piece of wood for the final product. Still haven't started on it, but i have a idea of what i'm going to do. Since i can't bring an entire totem pole to school, i decided just to make the face of one and hopefully it'll turn out well. Over the past few days, the one thing that has kept me motivated is the fact that when i feel sad, mad or anything negative i have that one thing that'll let me project it onto. I found it really relaxing to just put it all out on an object. Although i would really like to start on my final product, it has been a tough time finding a good wood piece even though you could just go to Orchard Supplies but it has to be easy enough to cut through.

(The piece of wood that i don't have)
Amber, Undeclared. "Log of Chopped Wood." Flickr. Yahoo!, 19 Nov. 2012. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

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