Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Entry #2: The Pitch

To have people turn negative emotions into a work of art through whittling.

For looking up tutorials on beginning to whittle and projects to begin doing. Plus, the many different ways i can do cuts.

For looking up projects to maybe start or come up with ideas.

My 20% project is going to be whittling, and i'm going to create a totem pole. You should care about this project because it means that you'll be able to turn negative emotions into something artistic. I care about this project because i want to see how people change their negative emotions into something through whittling. The only main concern is the amount of resources i will mention in the pitch presentation because as of now, i don't really have that many but who knows, maybe ill find some resources along the way. Also, i wasn't to sure on how i would word out what i wanted to say but, hopefully, it works itself out and somebody understands what i am trying to say. My confidence in my pitch presentation is the idea that you can turn your negative emotions into something artistic. I've already began working on my project when i was down or upset and i have to say, looks pretty good.

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