Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Entry #3: My Thoughts

Now that a month has past, I have to say that whittling is actually really hard to do because there have been so many times that i almost accidentally cut myself. The gloves help somewhat to protect you but, man, it is a pain when you try to carve a deeper cut because if your knife isn't sharp enough it pops out and it is unpredictable where the knife will go. Since the first entry, I've decided to make a totem pole as a final product and try to have people incorporate some of their ideas into it, like having them try to carve their favorite animal onto it. The hard part is finding a big enough log of tree to do this with. From my pitch i discovered that whittling is a stress reliever and it also helps take your mind off of other things. There have been many times i whittled for hours when i was upset and even if it seemed like i wasn't getting anywhere it was still fun. Hearing the other pitches didn't really give me much ideas but they were still very interesting and got me motivated to keep working on my project.

Hopefully my totem pole comes out this well.

"Haida Totem Pole." Flickr. Yahoo!, 7 May 2009. Web. 04 Feb. 2014.

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