Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Entry #13: Adding and subtracting

Well, We're coming near the end of the 20% project and things are wrapping up nicely. Nothing new has happened besides me just trucking along with the totem pole. I started to work on different patterns of designs (shown in the picture) using different ideas given to me from pictures. I'm just excited to finish the project because it's taking a long time to complete and finish. What bothers me is how i'm going to present the product as a whole because it's pretty heavy. I might i just pictures of different angles and close-ups of the patterns. Above all, pretty happy with my progress and with the amount of effort i'm putting into this one thing. Nothing really interesting happened last week because everything has just been going according to plan. Later in the week i'm going to add some more patterns and smooth out the wood. Definitely coming a long way from what i had in the beginning of this project.
Tongan Patterns by xSiiANA

XSiiANA. "Tongan Patterns by XSiiANA on DeviantART." Tongan Patterns by XSiiANA on DeviantART. N.p., 30 Mar. 2013. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.

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