Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Entry #12: The Totem Pole

So the moment you guys have been waiting for, the revealing of the totem pole. Well, first of all, i haven't finished it but it is a work in progress. I started on the nose and it is a big pain in the butt to do all of this carving. From doing all of this, i have a lot of respect for the people who have a patience with this because there are numerous times where i just want to quit. Especially when i accidentally make dents where there shouldn't be any dents at all. Quite obviously, i'm not ready for doing this totem pole because of lack of practice with the chisel and hammer but i know a lot of the basics. This is my main concern with the whole project at the moment but what still remains as the thing that makes me happy is the fact that i'm actually trying to finish this project. I'm having a lot of fun with it and no matter how frustrated i get i still continue to work on it.

(My totem pole nose will be similar to the beak of the beard, but more round rather than pointy)
Harrsch, Mary. "Tlingit Totem Poles at Saxman Native Village near Ketchikan Alaska (15)." Flickr. Yahoo!, 25 May 2007. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

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