Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Entry #2: The Pitch

To have people turn negative emotions into a work of art through whittling.

For looking up tutorials on beginning to whittle and projects to begin doing. Plus, the many different ways i can do cuts.

For looking up projects to maybe start or come up with ideas.

My 20% project is going to be whittling, and i'm going to create a totem pole. You should care about this project because it means that you'll be able to turn negative emotions into something artistic. I care about this project because i want to see how people change their negative emotions into something through whittling. The only main concern is the amount of resources i will mention in the pitch presentation because as of now, i don't really have that many but who knows, maybe ill find some resources along the way. Also, i wasn't to sure on how i would word out what i wanted to say but, hopefully, it works itself out and somebody understands what i am trying to say. My confidence in my pitch presentation is the idea that you can turn your negative emotions into something artistic. I've already began working on my project when i was down or upset and i have to say, looks pretty good.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Entry #1: The beginning

In the beginning i was really excited for this project because it gave me an excuse to spend my time trying something new and it's still there. However, I never realized that whittling would be so hard because I've hurt my thumb several times already in the past week. Importantly, I really want to use this project as way for people to relieve stress or anything else negative and bring out their artistic side. Whenever I was stressed, sad, or anything I started to whittle and it felt like each stroke was slowly relaxing me. I didn't have a goal when i started to whittle because at the time i was to sad to care. Eventually as time went by and i calmed down from whittling i knew that i wanted to make ball because it seemed cool. That's what i want others to feel when whittling, a slow transition from the negative emotion to interest in creating something amazing.


I pretty much found this website by goggling "Whittling Guide". This website taught me the safety guidelines and different ways of cutting the wood. It also informed me on which wood would be appropriate for different projects. For my case it was best for me to use Basswood because it's suitable for beginners and the softness of it makes it easier to cut.


In searching for a visual aid in whittling i thought what better than youtube. I searched it for beginner projects that i could practice doing so that when time came to do my final project i was ready. Although im starting with a sphere, i want to be able to shape that sphere into something with more description and artistic.