Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Entry #11: New Tools

Previously on the last entry i was skinning the log with a knife instead of a chisel. Well, today i found a chisel to use! I use a chisel and a hammer, but the hammer isn't the right one to use. Nonetheless, It made things a whole lot easier and stuff went a whole lot faster than before cause i finished skinning the log in a matter of hours. The log is nice and clean, ready to be chiseled and shaped to my will. I'm pretty excited because i started to make the nose right away, mainly cause its the easiest part. Man, was the wood easy to get through. I was really worried that i would not be able to get through it but it actually went through really easily. Pretty happy with what i got at the moment and will continue to work with what i got. Last week when it was raining, i was worried that the log would get soaked but it actually stayed really dry which was weird to me. That's an interesting thing that happened to me.

(similar tools that i use for my totem pole)

VCU Libraries. "Mastoid Chisel Set." Flickr. Yahoo!, 11 Aug. 2011. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

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