Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Entry #10: Finally some progress

Alright, after one accident and several attempts to finding a wood piece to work on, I finally found one. The best part about it is that  i found it in the forest when i went to a cabin for the weekend. It has quite an ancient look on it but i like it a lot. My biggest excitement about this is that i can finally start on my final product and attempt to make it amazing. Of course the plan is to make a totem pole, but instead i decided to make the bottom part of the totem pole and maybe over the years just add on to it or have other people add on to it. Above all, I am genuinely happy with my find and was happy to start skinning it to work on later on. Interesting enough, the way i found this piece of wood was as if god had sent it himself. I was just walking around looking for fire wood and there it was, already broken from a tree. At first it was a big pain to carry back to the cabin but all in all i think it was worth it.

Elzey, Richard. "Small "Cabin in the Woods"" Flickr. Yahoo!, 7 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

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