Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Entry #4: Update

What I have pretty much done since the beginning of all this was work on whittling projects and trying to work my way up to bigger projects. I was hoping that by the end of this project ( picture below ) that i would be able to start the final product. However, It pretty much depends on how well this project turns out. If it doesn't turn out clean then i will probably work on some more projects before i start on the final product. Some of the things i had finished was a sphere, a pyramid, and a snowman.

In the picture is a new project i started to work on, i was hoping to turn it into a wooden chain or an Indian head but its still a work in progress. The measurement on the side was suppose act as a guideline and tell me how deep i can cut into but i have been ignoring it. I need to start following it otherwise when i attempt cut again it'll look messy and gross. 

A Project in Progress, Whittling, In My Room. Personal photograph by author. 2014.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great picture because it looks so mysterious and you leave your readers imagining the art that's trapped inside that piece of wood. I hope you get it out, soon!

    Nice citation of the image, too.
